I recently have fallen deeply into a composting and vermiculture rabbithole; having found a few (very cheap) [Vevor 1000L compost bins](https://www.vevor.com.au/compost-tumbler-c_11277/vevor-compost-bin-220-gallon-outdoor-expandable-composter-easy-to-setup-large-capacity-composting-bin-fast-creat…
Growstuff - An open gardening platform
Growstuff is a community of food gardeners. Growstuff's open source and open data platform can predict when your plantings will be ready to harvest. The more you tell it, the better the predictions.
So far, 2583 members have planted 947 crops 4797 times in 20916 gardens.
Some of our crops
spaghetti squash
small black blueberry
New Zealand spinach
Recently Added
Adirondack Blue, Amflora potato, Amandine potato, Adirondack Red, Anya potato, Andean black potato, Yellow Finn potato, Vivaldi potato, Vitelotte potato, Umatilla Russet potato, Skerry Champion potato, Shetland Black potato, Villetta Rose potato, Ulster Emblem potato, Superior potato, Stobrawa potato, Alturas potato, Red Pontiac potato, Ranger Russet potato, Russian blue potato, Red Norland potato, Red La Soda potato, Red Gold potato, Rooster potato, Pike potato, Kipfler potato, Cardamom, Carolina Reaper, Golden Wattle, Round-Leaved Pigface
Recently Planted
seedlings planted by shiny
red onion
planted by cas3y
seeds planted by Bridge4
fava bean
seeds planted by Permaculteur
cherry tomato
seedlings planted by therobotcarlson
wild bergamot
seeds planted by StormRecently Harvested
scots potato
harvested by shiny
harvested by bigblen
cayenne pepper
harvested by Batchelor
cherry tomato
harvested by midiprincess
harvested by CloCkWeRX
harvested by miestasmagnus
Recent Activities
Poison spray paths
Weeding by CloCkWeRX灌溉
Fertilizing by whySeeds available to trade
Recent posts
Integrating Farmbot 'curves'
by mvillion,
Hi I am a new Farmbot user. Web site is farm.bot
In their open source project they now have 'curves' that record things such as growing height, spread and watering requirements over the lifecycle of the plant. This is a very cool feature but there are no premade curves to download and …
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Feature preview: Activities
by CloCkWeRX,
So that you can plan next season's plantings better, we're introducing an Activity planner, and some important adjustments to allow forward dated plantings.
Check out the pull request and add your feedback - what do you do most when preparing…
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Photos, Flickr and free limits
by CloCkWeRX,
As Flickr is removing a lot of people's photos if they have exceeded the limits, we'll be removing any photos that are now a 404. However, in the upcoming release we will be ingesting photos published on GBIF, the majority of which are an open licence.
While there are no guarantees your speci…
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Miso Paste and Leeks
by CloCkWeRX,
I managed to grow some truly giant leeks this year.
Unfortunately I also had a lot of spring onion, so started to reach a limit for what could be done.
Standout new recipe: [Miso braised leeks]( https://www.ocado.com/webshop/recipe/braised-leeks-with-miso/…
spring onions leeks
Read moreIn a Pickling Pickle
by CloCkWeRX,
This year I accidentally produced approximately 6 billion cabbages. This immediately lead to problems, as not wanting to waste anything and reading that all parts are edible, I set about home canning, freezing and doing about every variation of stuffing something into a cabbage…