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Into bed with you!

by gotica,

I finally got frustrated enough to establish one of the raised beds the other week, using a combination of enriched coir and compost.

I've sown Purple Haze carrots, brussels sprouts, purple broccoli, peas, turnips, english spinach and have transplanted two [zucchini](/crops/z…

spinach spinach zucchini zucchini strawberry strawberries
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by SporkyRat,

I have tomato seedlings! I need to see about transferring them to a larger pot than the little seedling pot they're in. I have several trays that I need to sprout some seeds in as well for other things.

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Raised bed help

by maco,

I think it would be nice to have raised beds tall enough to not need to bend over constantly. For building them, I'm thinking about cinder blocks, since they're pretty cheap. Has anyone here done waist-high cinder block raised beds? Did you need to mortar the blocks together, or did you use somet…

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Garden trouble!

by oakandsage,

Something's skeletonizing my carrots and dill. It did a number on the sweet basil I planted, and is taking out the kale plants one by one. I haven't caught it in the act yet, though I've seen a couple big fat grasshoppers around; they're pretty likely culprits.

carrot carrots cauliflower cauliflowers sweet potato sweet potatoes blueberry blueberries dill
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Achievement: Tomato plants!

by neotoma,

I came home from work yesterday, and I had three inch-high tomato plants of the Abraham Lincoln cultivar.

I came home today, and they're two inches tall! Yay!

Now, hopefull…

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New features: search nearby members, and some other small stuff

by Skud,

Hey everyone,

I just pushed a few new things to production. The biggie is that you can now search for members near you. It's very basic at present but we have some improvements in the pipeline, including being able to specify the radius to se…

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by SporkyRat,

I've got buds on my grape plants!

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Turnip sprouts

by maco,

Have you ever sprouted turnip from seed? These seeds are the same size as mustard seeds. I planted them Friday night. I had to take the lid off my tabletop greenhouse today (Monday morning) so they wouldn't hit it! They're 2 inches tall already.

And, shockin…

mustard turnip turnips tomatoes
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State of the Spring Garden

by black_hound,

Finally some seasonably warm weather.

The peas are shooting up rather quickly. The lettuce has sprouted. Beets are up. Turnip are getting their second set of leaves so I will be thinning them out this week. Radish going strong. And I believe…

beet beets Swiss chard Swiss chard radish radishes turnip turnips lettuce lettuces
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Chiles, chiles, and more chiles

by neotoma,

I finally found the seed packets I ordered from Made in New Mexico last fall, and have started jiffy-pots of Big Jim, Hatch Green, NuMex Joe Parker, and Chimayó chiles.

Basically , I want to be able to make chili verde and …

cayenne pepper cayenne peppers
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Another week, another heap of things planted

by Skud,

I really should've got started on winter planting sooner, I think. Everything in the garden is in a lull right now. Although people near me are still blogging about the last of their crops from summer, all we have still going are some chillis and some basil. Lots of things died…

basils lavender beans chives chives zucchini zucchini celeriac celeriac pumpkin pumpkins
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by SporkyRat,

So far I'm getting worried about my berry bushes. They aren't doing anything and I'm wondering if they're just too damp at the roots.

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